Anthony Buccino's books in print
* A FATHER'S PLACE An Eclectic Collection (1991)
* AMERICAN BOY: Pushing Sixty (2009)
* Belleville Sons Honor Roll (2004)
* CANNED booted, bumped, down-sized... (2010)
* DAYS YOU KNEW ME (out of print) (1976)
* Nutley Sons Honor Roll (2004)
* One Morning In Jersey City (2008)
* RAMBLING ROUND Inside & Outside at the Same Time (2002)
* Retrieving Labrador Days dog tales in prose and verse (2010)
* Sister Dressed Me Funny (1996)
* Sixteen Inches On Center (2010)
* Voices On The Bus, train, subway, sidewalk and in my head (2008)
* YOUNTAKAH COUNTRY A poetic view of Nutley old and new (2010)
CANNED - Booted, bumped, down-sized, fired, forced out, hated, hired, jobless, laid off, let go, out of work, out-sourced, pink-slipped, terminated, sacked, unemployed
Non-rhyming verse about being out of work, the strains that tag along and the sinking boat you feel you're riding in. This collection deals with a difficult subject in a very real way. It's strength is its realness and that is also its greatest weakness. It's not for the faint of heart.
A must-have for anyone who deals in human resources, personnel, recruitment, job placement, or has been fired, laid-off and is out of work.
AMERICAN BOY: Pushing Sixty
Verse about life and growing up in New Jersey in the 1950s,1960s, and 1970s, and growing older in the 1980s, 1990s and the oughts.
From the center of the Baby Boom, this working class verse begins under a wooden class room desk as an air raid siren sounds, and captures the summer spell and its simplicity in drinking water from a garden hose. It's a mystical carpet ride through the past few decades and the journey ends with the author pushing sixty questioning the loves and lives past as well as what might be over the next hill.
Seeing a father through a grown son's eyes. The son of a World War II veteran looks at the 20-plus years they had together, the missteps the missed opportunities, and the things that remain.
RETRIEVING LABRADOR DAYS dog tales in prose and verse
Stories about each of his three Labrador retrievers and some of the other dogs, critters and people whose lives they touched.
Shaggy dogs, mutts, mongrels, three Labrador retrievers and a pet rabbit inspire the stories and poems in this collection. Pets of one kind or another have shared the past six decades of the author's life, and here are some stories that will make you laugh out loud and others that remind you of the escapades and exasperations you've been through with your pets.
VOICES ON THE BUS train, subway, sidewalk and in my head
Verse about commuting in Northern New Jersey.
Feel the rhythm of the rails as you travel the last days of the Newark City Subway, or the PATH, and be relieved you are not present to hear the Preacher Man or Mr. Tourette's but do listen for the noise above the hum of the wheels and turn your ear to the voices on the bus, train or standing nearby on the platform. Who knows, you may catch a glimpse of Murray the Groundhog preparing for a special visitor.
Verse written along the Hudson River in Jersey City, N.J.
You can hear a lot by looking around. Sometimes, standing along the Hudson River shoreline, you can dream of the freedom in the sailing beauty slipping through the waves, or question the signals proffered by a hungry seagull, or ponder why the pigeons follow you. Or you could sit ever so still and listen to the clatter of heels on the tile as the cigarette mafia heads outside for fresh air, while you slip in among them and consider the steel and glass surroundings.
A Father's Place - An Eclectic Collection
Stories about family life, the father-son-dilemma, father-daughter dilemma, day trip vacations in New Jersey, Brookdale soda pop, too much coffee, pets, friends and more!
A thought-provoking collection of essays and fiction about family life, the father-son-dilemma, family day trips, suggesting elopement to a newborn daughter, that classic about Brookdale Soda, too much coffee, pets Libby the black Labrador Retriever and Murphy the rabbit, friendships and much more! Includes restored Uncle Floyd reviews deleted from first edition.
Sister Dressed Me Funny
Tales about, of all things, a naked statue and the catholic school tie, Italian American family roots and that dress his sister made him wear.
Buccino's essays cut close to the edge of humor, humiliation and heartbreak chronicling education by the strictest nuns in the world at a school where the statues of saints were said to dance the Twist if you prayed real hard. A wistful reminiscence of life on the farm with chicken coops and too many cats in what is now at the very least suburbia; being the butt of the Cub Scout skit gone wrong in front of the entire pack, and, of course, that dress his sister made him wear.
Rambling Round - Inside and Outside at the Same Time
Anchored in New Jersey, Buccino pays tribute to the unique Garden State Parkway toll road, but you don't have to be from NJ to enjoy this collection.
The best of Buccino's humor and homage to living life every day with tongue firmly in cheek. When he writes seriously, his stories infuse a nice warm feeling. Buccino's been called "New Jersey's Garrison Keillor, or something like that." His is the plain and simple view of the world around him
Belleville Sons Honor Roll - Remembering the Men Who Paid for Our Freedom
The second edition includes additional information on Belleville in the American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWW II, Korea, Vietnam and peacetime casualties.
In the last century, Belleville lost 156 sons while in service to our country. This collection, gathered from newspaper clippings and other sources collects what we know about these young men in an effort that their sacrifice not be forgotten.
Nutley Sons Honor Roll - Remembering the Men Who Paid for Our Freedom
Information about the more than 130 Nutley sons who died while in service to our country. Fourth edition.
In the past century, 138 Nutley sons died while in service to our country. World War I took 17. World War II took 92 sons. The Korean War era took twelve sons. The Vietnam War took 9 sons, and preserving the peace during the Cold War set its toll at 8 Nutley sons. Here, in one source, beyond the names of the fallen, are their stories. Remember their sacrifice and familial heartache that paid for the peace and freedom on our tree-lined streets.
All titles published by Cherry Blossom Press
Books in print