You would think this is a safe place
A refuge with beer and extra-cheese pizza
A place to forget about the question
‘Am I dead inside?’
But after the tray is empty
And the glass partly wet
But mostly dry
In comes the old veterinarian
I recognize him, seen him here
In the Town Pub before;
His office up the street.
I remember Butch, the first dog
I as an adult had to put to sleep
And, Libby, of course, the same thing
And my still not knowing how to halt the tears
And Stormi who died before she got to his office
And I see the dogs – like on a TV in my head
And I wonder who they play with
On the other side of the light?
From AMERICAN BOY: Pushing Sixty
Copyright © 2010-2022 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved.